Questions And Answers CQ-UK Wires-X Room Net Monday 18.45 GMT
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In the next few weeks there will be lots of information uploaded to this site regarding how to build repeaters, gateways, hotspots and xlx servers. Also what software is available to link all the modes together.CQ-UK is a bridge to a multi mode network. The Network consists of a YSF Reflector, XLX Server (YSF, DMR, DStar) and a Hblink 3 Server (Dmr).The following external servers are also connected. Pheonix Plus , Brandmeister , FCS, YCS235 and EuropeLink
CQ-UK Consists of one main network
Wires-X 27793 <> GB7AB DR2 XE Repeater <> YCS235 Server <> IPSC2 FreeSTAR
All The Other Links connect to the YCS235 Via Two YSF Reflectors
What is Wires-X
WIRES (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) is an Internet communication system which expands the range of amateur radio communication. For WIRES-X, an amateur node station connecting to the Internet is used as the access point and connects the wireless communication to the Internet. Users' stations can communicate with other amateur stations all over the world using a node within the radio wave range.Node Setup Is Easy
Establishing the connection between the HRI-200 and a computer is quick and simple, requiring only a single USB cable. Support for USB bus power means that an additional external power supply is not needed. Opening ports in the router also can be done with a simple setting in the WIRES-X software, using the UPnP function. (May not be supported by some routers.) Working your way through complicated router settings is a thing of the past.
New PDN Function
We are excited to inform that the PDN (Portable Digital Node) function for the FTM-400 and FTM-100 series is now available. This firmware is now available at Yaesu official website:
FTM-400XD MAIN Ver 4.40/ DSP Ver 4.31
FTM-400D MAIN Ver 3.40/ DSP Ver 4.31*
FTM-100D MAIN Ver 2.40/ DSP Ver 4.31/ PANEL Ver 2.10
Users can easily establish and operate a WiRES-X Portable Node Station by directly connecting the FTM-400XD, FTM-400D, and FTM-100D to the PC with the SCU-40.
Same as the WiRES-X Portable Node with the FT2D, four (4) different types of operation modes are available. For more detailed information, please refer to the latest operation manual which is posted in Yaesu official website ( Please also be informed that the latest WiRES-X PC software (Ver 1.510) has been released along with the latest firmware of the FTM-400XD/FTM-400D and FTM-100D.
This software contains some improvements and optimizations to operate a WiRES-X PDN (Portable Digital Node) with the C4FM transceivers – FTM-400XD, FTM-400D, FTM-100D and FT2D and a fixed WiRES-X node station with HRI-200.
With the Portable Digital Node function, the flexibility and mobility of the WiRES-X Network will be available all the time. We believe that this new WiRES-X functionality will contribute to the growth of the YAESU C4FM (System Fusion) network.
New Openspot 3
The openSPOT3 is a battery powered, portable, standalone digital radio internet gateway (hotspot) designed mainly for amateur radio. You can talk with others on digital radio networks by using an openSPOT3, Wi-Fi internet access, and your digital transceiver.

Key features
Built-in Li-ion battery with 10 hours of operation (can be extended by turning on additional power saving) Built-in hardware transcoding* for the best voice quality in cross mode operation Built-in extended range Wi-Fi and radio antenna Built-in beeper with audible status tones Web-based easy and fast Quick Setup No additional hardware required, works out of the box without a computer All accessories included you need to have the openSPOT3 up and running (USB-C cable and 120V/230V USB power supply for charging) Designed for 24/7 continuous use even in your vehicle with extreme fast bootup and USB power supply tolerance User manual available online 2 year warranty** with official support in email / community forum Web interface for configuration and monitoring HTTP/WebSocket API with documentation for developers Create your own private radio network using our open source server applicationRaspberry Pi 4
New Features! The latest model of our favourite single-board computer includes great new headline features such as dual 4K (yes 4K!) displays, super-fast USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet and budget-accommodating RAM options.Even More Power!

Rpi 4 Hotspot With Cooling Fan
Features: Support MMDVM mode: DMR/YSF/P25/NXDN/DSTAR/POCSAG Frequency range: 144MHz-148MHz, 420MHz-475MHz,842MHz-950MHz (depend on ADF7021 and TCXO, HAT's Firmware Amateur radio brand license limit) High-quality TCXO, stable with low BER. With both inner 433MHz Ceramic antenna and SMA interface, work perfect in UHF and VHF. PCB inner mini fan reduce bring off heat,keep low temperature, improve the service life of the equipment. Humanized design, saving space, very suitable for reassembling your kit. Design for RPi 4B RPi 3B/B+ ,compatible with Pi ZERO, NanoPi NEO, Orange Pi, Compatible to BlueDV(Required to add USBtoTTL or Bluetooth model)

Thanks to all that have donated.
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